Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO)
We are absolutely delighted that the ETFO Humanity Fund Board of Directors voted to support our application for $10,575! What an amazing gift!
Every year, three times a year, each student enrolled at Dekpor Basic School has to pay exam fees--to buy the paper and pay for the photocopying of their own exams. Only the exact number of exams paid for are printed. If there is nonpayment, a student is 'sacked' three weeks before the exam period and not allowed to return until after. What's that mean? In the span of a school year, students miss three whole months of school because the family is unable to pay for the exam fees. It's heartbreaking.
For 2018, the ETFO Humanity Fund has ensured that we can pay for the exam fees, for three terms, for every student enrolled at Dekpor Basic! The ripple effect of this donation is huge and we are incredibly grateful!
Wow! The Humanity Fund has granted us $6000 to purchase textbooks for Dekpor Basic School!
Note: We had to pivot! We are grateful to the Humanity Fund committee for allowing us to change the allocation of funds. Just after we received the wonderful $6000 donation, the headmasters at Dekpor Basic were informed that the required texts for elementary schools would be changing. We were patient, waiting for the release of the new list of books, but the announcement was delayed by months, and subsequently a pandemic has thrown a wrench into everything. This funding, instead, will be directed to our food programme so students can benefit immediately.
Thank you to ETFO for making this possible!
ETFO's Humanity Fund has done it again! Our grant request from September was just fully met -- a cheque for $8250 arrived in the mail! We are absolutely thrilled that we can support our most vulnerable students with the security of two nutritious meals each school day! Nourished bodies help nourish the minds. ETFO will be directly responsible for keeping FIFTY students on our food program for an entire school year!