Borehole - 2021

Borer at work mounted on back truck

How does one put a value on the gift of clean drinking water? It's immeasurable!

About a third of the way into 2021, the aquifer that feeds our three current boreholes ran dry. ZERO drinking water for weeks.

The villagers had no choice but to drink the contaminated stream water (see photo in the album).

But, please also LOOK at the stream! The rains were delayed by more than two months. Palpable panic. Farmers actually attempted to use hand tools to chip away at the rock-hard soil to plant seeds. Futile. And this water makes people sick. Dysentery was causing many extended absences from school.

No clean water.

We are overflowing with joy to announce that Busch Systems stepped up to finance the $$$$$ required for us to solve this devastating problem!

Technology has come a long, long way since 2014 when we first started tackling the water issue.

We had a geologist come in to conduct the seismic ground water detection. Aquifer located! Then on July 16th, the big day happened! The drilling went down 210 feet! (64 metres)

This aquifer is large and should be sufficient to handle the requirements without running dry. Pipes were laid to hook up this latest borehole with our existing system. The water will still need to run through our two reverse osmosis units to ensure that it is perfect for drinking. Thank goodness for Lawson, our very trusted plumbing/water specialist!

Our dear friend, Craig, has been an incredible support and we are forever grateful for the good he has enabled. Thank you for the clean drinking water, Busch Systems!

Last updated on December 28, 2021 9:20pm