Town Toilet Maintenance - 2021

Two men with vacuum hose pumping out Yia Town Toilet facility #2

February 2021

Well, no one wants to think about it, but maintaining the toilet facilities is a necessity. Pumping out the holding tanks needs to happen and we are incredibly grateful that we have donors who understand that not all jobs are glamourous. Yia Town Toilet #1 was a project that DSDO had to assume since the town had started but was unable to see the project through to completion. The design was not ours and, subsequently, the holding tank is not large enough for the number of users. Yia #1 needed pumping. And, after almost 5 years in use, it was time to look after Dekpor Yia Town Toilet Facility #2.

Both jobs were supposed to happen in December, and Yia #2 actually was completed then ... but unfortunately some part on the truck broke and the company wasn't able to return until February.

Let's look on the bright side. The fact that these tanks need emptying means that toilets are being used, and that open defecation is on the decline. That is GREAT news!

We are forever grateful to Tony and Susan Anderson and our other special anonymous donors for their confidence in what we do and their knowing that a job like this must be done.

Last updated on December 28, 2021 9:25pm