2024 Library Roof

the view of the roof from standing on the roof

A new library lid!

Our very first building project was in 2010 when we constructed a very modest-sized library.  In 2015, we realised that the overwhelming use of the library meant that adding a substantial 60' extension to also house an all-purpose assembly hall would be a wise move.  

As you have seen, building materials available in rural Ghana are not the same as what we can source in North America. We did the best we could with what we had. After a decade, it is time for us to do a complete reno.

So, that means emptying the space, adjusting the electrical wiring, removing the ceiling, the eaves troughs, the roof, the trusses...and then starting anew.  This job started mid-August and will be completed in October.

It is with a massive thank you to our dear friends, Susan and Tony Anderson, that we are able to do this very important renovation.

Last updated on September 9, 2024 1:19pm